Admission Policy

  • We hold the sincere belief that the care, development and education of a young child is of paramount importance. We, who are fortunate to be entrusted with this immense responsibility, must ensure that each and every child is given the necessary opportunity to grow in confidence and understanding whilst being embraced in a warm and secure environment…

    — Sian
  • Our goal is to create a place that engages each child.

    • Safe, caring and stimulating environment
    • Qualified, experienced and dedicated staff
    • Support for each child to develop to their full potential
    • Quality care for individuals available for all
  • Equal Opportunities

    Stepping Stones operates an equal opportunities policy and each child will be admitted on the basis of availability of adequate places, regardless of race, colour, religion, disability, gender or any other prejudice.

    Healthy Eating Policy

    Stepping Stones operates as a healthy eating setting, snacks given will be healthy and we ask parents providing lunch to provide a balanced lunchbox.

    Contract Requirements

    Parents or guardians will be expected to complete a contract, stating the number of sessions required by the child per week and also outlining any special arrangements to be noted.

    Ages of admission

    Stepping Stones offers private Full-Day Care for pre-school children from 2 ½ to 5 years old


    As an Approved Pre-school we are able to obtain funding for your child from Early Years Education Provision in the term after they are 3 years old. We are also happy to accept childcare vouchers.

    Fees and Holidays

    Fees are payable half-termly by invoice and all booked sessions must be paid.
    Stepping Stones currently operates during term-time only and need to take occasional staff training days, these will not be invoiced. Six weeks written notice is required of cancellation of your contract.
    There is a discount for second children of 10% (this will be taken off the lowest invoice.)

  • How to Enroll Your Child to a Session?

  • Our session plan

    We offer quality children care and a friendly atmosphere
    • Early Morning Club

      Early morning session from 8:00 – 9:15

      • 8:00 am - 9:15
      • Wrap around to morning nursery in Magor or Undy
      £3.25 / session
    • Morning / Afternoon

      Session in the morning or afternoon

      • Morning session 9:15 am to 11:45 am
      • Afternoon session 12:45 pm to 3:15 pm
      • Full range of foundation phase activities
      • Snack provided
      £8.00 / session
    • Lunch Club

      To cover the lunch time including pickup to/from Undy and Magor

      • 11:45 am to 12:30/12:45 pm
      • Wrap around available to/from Magor and Undy Nurseries
      • Lunch provided by parents/carers
      £4.75 / session