NEWSLETTER - Summer II 2015

June 23, 2015

NEWSLETTER –Summer II Half Term 2015


Dear parents,

We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a good half term break.



As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weathers. As the weather warm up could you please make sure that your child comes into school with a hat and sun cream if necessary, we do have hats in school and none of the children will go out in the sun without a hat on. We are able to apply sun cream in Stepping Stones but only one that has been specifically supplied for you child and is labelled clearly with their name, if you could please let us know if you want us to apply sun cream as we don’t check in your children’s bags for it. Could you ensure that all of their clothes and belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry.


This term our topic is Space

Week 1 -Earth

Week 2 – Sun/Stars

Week 3 – Planets

Week 4 – A space journey

Week 5 – Life on other planets

Week 6 – Alien Visit

Week 7 – End of year fun and party

If anyone has anything that you think may help or may be of interest please let us know.


We are required to keep a record of all illness within the setting. If your child is unwell can you please let us what was wrong with them so we can monitor the illness in the setting. We are required to keep these records for infection control. Thank you in advance.


We will be issuing your children’s reports by the last week of term. Please come and speak to us if you would like to discuss anything arising from your child’s report.

School Photographs

Colofoto will be on Stepping Stones on Tuesday 23rd June to take photographs. They will be in for morning and afternoon sessions. If you would like siblings included can you please let us know, and will do our best to try and arrange this.

Craft Activities

Please can you bring in any empty kitchen roll cardboard holders for a craft activity we are planning later in the term. We are also collecting the plastic cases from inside Kinder eggs if you can also save those for us.


Could we please have any booking forms/contracts back if your child will still be attending Stepping Stones in September. Can we also remind you that there will be a slight increase in the fees from September as stated on the booking form. If you need to discuss anything please just let us know.


Friday 19th June – We will be finishing at 3pm  ready for the Magor CIW School Summer fayre.

Tuesday 23rd June- Colofoto in to take photographs

 Friday 26th June – Stepping stones will be open as normal although this is an inset day for Magor CIW School and Nursery. Please note there will be no wrap around on this day due to nursery being closed. Can you please let us know if your child will still be attending.

Wednesday 1st July – SPORTS DAY- please come along and support if you can. We will hold a morning and afternoon event. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and it will be held on the school field, however if the weather is wet we will hold it in the main school hall. Please can you ensure that your children come in appropriate clothes and shoes. If your child doesn’t normally come in on a Wednesday then they can still come along to either event and join in.

Morning sports – 9.45am

Afternoon sports – 2.00pm

Thursday 16th July – we will be holding a morning and afternoon party which will take place during the sessions, so children to come in as normal. If your child doesn’t normally attend on a Thursday but you would like them to just come in for the party please let us know.

Thank you,

All at Stepping Stones

NEWSLETTER –Summer I 2015Newsletter – Autumn I 2015/2016