NEWSLETTER –Autumn II 2015 Time is flying past; I can hardly believe that it the count own to Christmas! Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. This half-term our theme will be festivals and celebrations. We will be thinking about our signing, day and night, sources of light, animals, autumn changes, recognising numbers, getting ready for winter amongst other things. Week 1 Fireworks & Remembrance Week 2 Diwali – The Hindu festival of light Week 3 Advent – The natural world Week 4 Christmas – Animals Week 5 Christmas – stories and plays Week 6 The Nativity Week 7 Parties and Christmas fun!! We are happy to look at anything that you child would like to bring into the setting that you feel might link in with the topic (or not as the case may be) then they can talk about it in circle time. Stepping Stones will be open on Monday 16th November, even though the school is having an inset day. There will obviously be no wrap around to Nursery on that day but if it would help then you could book your child in for the full day with us instead. I would appreciate it […]