Newsletter Spring 2017
Spring Celebrations
Welcome back, we begin on Monday 27th February.
Week 1 – St David’s Day Dragon craft – It would be fantastic to see the children dressed in their Welsh costumes on Wednesday 1st March to celebrate our Welsh culture
Week 2 – Easter sequencing
Week 3 – Holi ( Hindu Festival )
Week 4 – Mothering Sunday gifts and Red Nose Day on Friday
Week 5 – Easter craft
Week 6 – Our Famous Duck Race– During Thursday morning and afternoon sessions 9.30 and 2.30.
Break up for Easter on Friday 7th April
Back on Monday 24th April
We are getting used to the new security gate, but it would help immensely if you could bring your child promptly for the start of the session. In the morning the gates are open until 9.10 when a member of staff will go out to supervise the gate. Morning session starts at 9.15 but often we are manning the gate for half an hour up to 9.40, which then upsets the running of the session as our circle time with the children starts at 9.30. I realise sometimes it is difficult to park but anything you could do to alleviate this would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any worries or concerns, please speak to. a member of staff. Looking forward to a busy and exciting half term with Spring in the air.
Thank you Louise