NEWSLETTER – Spring I 2015

February 05, 2015

NEWSLETTER – Spring 1 half term 2015

Dear parents,

We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. A big thank you for all of the wonderful cards, gifts and wishes.


As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you.

Healthy eating

Please can we remind you that we run a healthy eating and nut free setting. We will be introducing stickers for children with healthy lunch boxes etc. We have also set up an Eco Council this term to work towards gaining our bronze award. If anyone has any ideas to help with this please let us know.


We are looking for donations of outdoor bikes/ scooters. If you have anything you think may be suitable please can you let us know. Thank you in advance.


This term our topic is nursery Rhymes

Week 1 – Twinkle Twinkle

Week 2 – Baa Baa Black sheep

Week 3 – Queen of hearts

Week 4 –Humpty Dumpty

Week 5  – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Week 6 – Incey wincey spider

Next half term our topic will be Spring

Please feel free to send your child into school with anything you think would enhance our topic.

Welsh Afternoon

We will be holding a small and informal Welsh meeting at the start of next half term for any parents/carers that would like to attend. We will go through some of the incidental Welsh that we use with your children. Can you please let us know if you wish to attend so we can set up the meeting.

Open afternoon

We will be holding an open afternoon in March (date to be confirmed). If you have a younger child and may like to attend with them let us know. If you have any friends who you think might like to attend and receive an invite please let us know.


We are hoping to set up a small charity to run alongside Stepping Stones to help with fund raising and ensuring the children get as much as they can from their early years. We are therefore looking for parents/friends/carers who would be interested in helping; with ideas, organisation, time or support. If you are interested could you please let Sian or Leeann know and we will see if we can get things moving in the right direction.


Monday 16th – Friday 20th February – closed for half term

Monday 23rd February – Stepping Stones open at the usual time.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.

Thank you,

All at Stepping Stones

NEWSLETTER – November 2014Newsletter – Spring II 2015