Newsletter – Spring II 2015
Dear parents,
We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a good half term break. We are now entering a short yet busy half term.
As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you.
Thank you
We would like to say a massive Thank you to Debbie and Chris Wong (Maisie’s Parents) for their extremely kind gifts. They so kindly bought new bikes and scooters for Stepping Stones. The children absolutely love them and we were overwhelmed by such kindness. Thank you.
This term our topic is Spring
Week 1 – Spring showers
Week 2 – Spring flowers
Week 3 – Spring Lambs
Week 4 – Spring cleaning
Week 5 – Spring into Easter
World book day
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March. If you child would like to join in we will be dressing up as characters from books. I believe Magor CIW School are dressing up as characters from International books. If you child attends both settings we appreciate it is easier for both themes to be the same, so we are happy for your child to come in any costume.
Comic Relief
We will also be fundraising for Comic Relief on Friday 13th March. Please keep an eye on the outside notice board for further details.
Duck Race
We will be holding our annual Duck race on Friday 20th March (weather permitting). As usual there will be a morning and afternoon race. Ducks will be £1.00 each, and for those of you who are not familiar with this race, they are of the plastic sort. A separate letter will be sent out with further details.
Parent consultations
We will be holding parent consultations on Monday 23rd March & Wednesday 25th March. Times will be 3.30pm – 5.00pm. If you would like a consultation there will be a sheet in school with slots for appointments, please let us know if you would like a consultation. We will do our best to accommodate everyone with their preferred day and time.
Welsh/Fundraising meeting
We will be holding a small and informal Welsh meeting/fundraising ideas meeting on Monday 9th March at 3.30pm in Stepping Stones. Please can you let us know if you can attend so we have an idea of numbers.
Open afternoon
We will be holding an open afternoon on Tuesday 3rd March from 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Please let anyone know who you think may be interested. If your child attends on this afternoon, the session will be running as normal.
Tuesday 3rd March – Open Afternoon
Thursday 5th march – World Book day
Monday 9th March – Welsh/fundraising meeting
Friday 13th March – Comic Relief
Friday 20th March – Duck race
Monday 23rd March – Parent Consultations
Wednesday 25th March – Parents Consultations
Monday 30th March – Friday 10th April – closed for Easter holidays
Monday 13th April – Stepping Stones open at the usual time.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.
Thank you,
All at Stepping Stones