NEWSLETTER –Summer II Half Term 2015 Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a good half term break. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weathers. As the weather warm up could you please make sure that your child comes into school with a hat and sun cream if necessary, we do have hats in school and none of the children will go out in the sun without a hat on. We are able to apply sun cream in Stepping Stones but only one that has been specifically supplied for you child and is labelled clearly with their name, if you could please let us know if you want us to apply sun cream as we don’t check in your children’s bags for it. Could you ensure that all of their clothes and belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Topics This term our topic is Space Week 1 -Earth Week 2 – Sun/Stars Week […]