NEWSLETTER –Summer 1 half term 2015 Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a good Easter break. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate items such as hats and sun cream. We can apply sun cream as long as it’s their own and in a clearly labelled bottle. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you. Thank you We would like to say a massive thank you to Helen and Nick (Lilia’s Parents) for their extremely kind gift. They so kindly bought us gift vouchers. The vouchers will be used to purchase outdoor toys and equipment for the children to enjoy. Thank you so much, it was extremely kind and gratefully received. Topics This term our topic is ‘This World’ Week 1 – Australia Week […]
Newsletter – Spring II 2015 Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a good half term break. We are now entering a short yet busy half term. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you. Thank you We would like to say a massive Thank you to Debbie and Chris Wong (Maisie’s Parents) for their extremely kind gifts. They so kindly bought new bikes and scooters for Stepping Stones. The children absolutely love them and we were overwhelmed by such kindness. Thank you. Topics This term our topic is Spring Week 1 – Spring showers Week 2 – Spring flowers Week 3 – Spring Lambs Week 4 – Spring cleaning Week […]
NEWSLETTER – Spring 1 half term 2015 Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break. A big thank you for all of the wonderful cards, gifts and wishes. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you. Healthy eating Please can we remind you that we run a healthy eating and nut free setting. We will be introducing stickers for children with healthy lunch boxes etc. We have also set up an Eco Council this term to work towards gaining our bronze award. If anyone has any ideas to help with this please let us know. Donations We are looking for donations of outdoor bikes/ scooters. If you have anything […]
Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a relaxing half term break. We are now entering a very busy half term with lots going on, we hope that you and your children will be able to take part in as much as possible. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you. Topics This term our topic is Festivals/Christmas Week 1 – Bonfire night Week 2 – Remembrance Week 3 – starting Christmas activities Week 4 – Christmas Week 5 – more Christmas Week 6 – some more Christmas Week 7 – Christmas fun and parties Please feel free to send your child into school with anything you think would enhance our […]
Dear parents, We would like to say a big welcome to all our new parents and children, and welcome back to all our existing parents and children. We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer. Clothing As we run the school in line with the Foundation Phase Curriculum we offer the children the opportunity to play outside in all weather. As the weather starts to change could you please ensure that your child comes into school with the appropriate clothing such as wellies, raincoats, hats and gloves. Please could you ensure that all of their belongings are labelled to avoid any confusion and worry. Thank you. Topics This term during the first 2 weeks and to help during the settling in period our topic will be ‘This is me’. We will be talking about what we look like and our bodies. The rest of the term is as follows:- Week 3 Feet Week 4 Hands Week 5 How I work Week 6 Growing up, big and strong (if possible can we have a baby photo of your child sent in please) Week 7 My family Week 8 My Home Please feel free to send your child into school with […]