Newsletter Spring 2019 Welcome Back on Monday 4th March 2019 The theme is Spring for the next 6 week half term Week 1 – St David’s Day – Creative- Listening to different types of music from Wales or Welsh Artists – We would love to see the children in Welsh costume on Friday 8th March to celebrate St David’s Day World Book Day Thursday 7th March, The children can dress up as a character from a book and bring along one of their favourite books, if they would like to Week 2– Easter Egg Patterns – Maths Week 3 – Mums and babies – Knowledge and Understanding of the World Week 4 – Mother’s Day – Language and Communication Week 5 –Easter Card – Welsh Language Week 6 – Polish Easter Traditions – Cultural Diversity Our Famous Annual DUCK RACE You can follow what we are up to on Stepping Stones Magor Facebook page to see pictures of the children and reminders of up and coming events. We are part of the Healthy Pre Schools program and keen to promote healthy eating. At snack time we offer fruit which the children enjoy. We would encourage the packed lunch […]
Newsletter Spring 2017 Spring Celebrations Welcome back, we begin on Monday 27th February. Week 1 – St David’s Day Dragon craft – It would be fantastic to see the children dressed in their Welsh costumes on Wednesday 1st March to celebrate our Welsh culture Week 2 – Easter sequencing Week 3 – Holi ( Hindu Festival ) Week 4 – Mothering Sunday gifts and Red Nose Day on Friday Week 5 – Easter craft Week 6 – Our Famous Duck Race– During Thursday morning and afternoon sessions 9.30 and 2.30. Break up for Easter on Friday 7th April Back on Monday 24th April We are getting used to the new security gate, but it would help immensely if you could bring your child promptly for the start of the session. In the morning the gates are open until 9.10 when a member of staff will go out to supervise the gate. Morning session starts at 9.15 but often we are manning the gate for half an hour up to 9.40, which then upsets the running of the session as our circle time with the children starts at 9.30. I realise sometimes it is difficult to park but anything […]
NEWSLETTER – Spring II 2016 Happy New Year Everyone! I hope that 2016 brings you everything that you wish for!! This half term we will be looking at our senses. Week 1 Sight Week 2 Smell, inc. St David’s Day, Mother’s Day and World Book Day Week 3 Touch Week 4 Sound, inc. Open afternoon and parent consultations Week 5 Taste, inc Easter, Duck Race & Open afternoon We are happy to look at anything that you child would like to bring into the setting that you feel might link in with the topic (or not as the case may be) then they can talk about it in circle time. St David’s Day is on the Tuesday 1st March the children can dress up in costume, come in red or wear a daffodil/leek. World Book Day is on Thursday 4th March and so we will be dressing up as a character from a book but if they want to they can wear any costume that they like. We will be holding our annual Duck race on Thursday 24th March (weather permitting). As usual there will be a morning and afternoon race. Ducks will be £1.00 each, and […]
NEWSLETTER –Autumn II 2015 Time is flying past; I can hardly believe that it the count own to Christmas! Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. This half-term our theme will be festivals and celebrations. We will be thinking about our signing, day and night, sources of light, animals, autumn changes, recognising numbers, getting ready for winter amongst other things. Week 1 Fireworks & Remembrance Week 2 Diwali – The Hindu festival of light Week 3 Advent – The natural world Week 4 Christmas – Animals Week 5 Christmas – stories and plays Week 6 The Nativity Week 7 Parties and Christmas fun!! We are happy to look at anything that you child would like to bring into the setting that you feel might link in with the topic (or not as the case may be) then they can talk about it in circle time. Stepping Stones will be open on Monday 16th November, even though the school is having an inset day. There will obviously be no wrap around to Nursery on that day but if it would help then you could book your child in for the full day with us instead. I would appreciate it […]
NEWSLETTER –Autumn I 2015 And so begins another school year… I would like to say a huge welcome to all our new parents and children, and an enormous welcome back to all our established parents and children. We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and we look forward to a fantastic pre-school year. It has begun really nicely and the children are settling in well. This term our theme will be ALL ABOUT ME. We will be getting to know the children a little better, thinking about things that are the same and different, finding out what we look like, learning about our bodies, comparing what we like (and don’t like), looking at why we are special, talking about our families, investigating our senses and many other things. Week 1 Settling in Weeks 2 & 3 Our faces Week 4 Feet Week 5 Hands Week 6 Our bodies Week 7 I like/don’t like… Week 8 My Home and family We are happy to look at anything that you child would like to bring into the setting that you feel might link in with the topic (or not as the case may be) then they can talk about it in […]